Daily Newspapers of Pakistan

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Directory of Pakistani Newspapers Online | Newspaperpk.com

Newspaperpk.com is the Online Directory of Pakistani Newspapers where you can read all the famous newspapers not only Urdu but English and Sindhi as well. We are providing the newspapers same as they print them. It’s just an online addition of the newspaper which includes the news, articles, columns, editorials, jobs, weather reports, sports updates, photos, cartoons, current affairs, advertisements and interviews of different social and political personalities same as the printed version.
Now days, everyone is having smart phones and internet connections in it. Why not provide a platform to them where they can be in touch with the news of not only Pakistan but whole world? Newspaperpk.com is that platform. Here you can read the newspapers on your mobile phones. An ePaper is an independent, reusable, and refreshable form of a conventional daily newspaper that gains and holds data electronically. The ePaper should not be mistaken for daily newspapers that offer an online version on their official website. The facility of ePaper is very helpful for the overseas Pakistanis; they can get to know the all latest news and happenings of Pakistan by sitting in another country.
Newspaperpk.com has the honor of First Online ePaper Directory of Pakistan which is having all famous newspapers like Daily Express, Daily Jung, Daily Dunya, Daily Aaj, Daily Nwaiwaqt, Daily Khabrain, Daily Mashriq, Daily Ummat, Daily Sama, Daily Mahasib, Daily Waqt, Daily Shamal, Daily K2 and other Urdu Newspapers as well. This website will be very beneficial for the persons who are working in the offices, they do not have time to read printed newspaper, but now they can read it while working on their laptop or even on Mobile phone by a single click.
You can also read all English newspapers here, on a single click and free of cost too. The Nation, The News, Daily Dawn, Daily Times, Express Tribune, The Frontier Post, Pakistan Observer, Pakistan Today, Business Recorder, Daily The Patriot, The Statesman and other newspapers of English are published here for your facility.
Apart from English and Urdu newspapers, we are offering Sindhi newspapers also for Sindhi brothers and sisters. We understand that they do not understand Urdu or English that much, that’s why we have uploaded Daily Kawish, Daily Jeejal, Sindh Express, Daily Sobh, Daily Ibrat, Daily Khabroon, Daily Jhoongar and so many other newspapers as well.
We are also offering a whole range of online magazines here. This means we are not only creating awareness about current affairs among people, but also providing entertainment and showbiz news. You can read weekly, monthly and fortnightly magazines of Pakistan here, like Akhbar e Jehan, Family Magazine, Ubqari Magazine, Nida e Millat , Phool Magazine and Aanchal Digest and all other magazines as well.
Apart from ePaers and newspapers we are providing Cricket News from ESPN Star for Cricket lovers. Newspaperpk.com includes the business, political, social and entertainment news from different news channels of Pakistan like Bol News and Geo News. You can visit this website for jobs advertisement too.
In short, we can say that this website is providing all information and entertainment you need.
Newspaperpk.com has the future goals to publish the newspapers of other parts of the world also, like America, USA, China and Gulf states. We are planning to post the magazines and newspapers of different languages of India for the facility of our Indian brothers and sisters. We are also working for your convenience day and night because we want you to know about the latest happenings of whole world and want to create awareness among people so that they can fight for their right and live a better life. What you have to do is, just click on the desired newspaper link and read it wherever you are without any cost.
We wish you a good day ahead!

Newspaperpk.com will really help you to read online editions of all the famous Urdu Newspapers, English Newspapers, and Sindhi Newspapers of Pakistan. It will bring all the news at your finger tip and importantly you don't have to spend even a single rupee to buy printed editions of newspapers. Just click on desired e paper link and read it while sitting at your place before pc or mobile.

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